Sunday 30 September 2012

Last recovery day! Bring on (R)Oc(k)tober :)

Hellooo folks!

What a beautiful day it is in Germany! The sun is shining, the birds are twittering away and I  just feel at total ease with myself today - had a good sleep and a lovely breakfast and let this day slowly unfold.
I'll go for a power walk later and then study at the uni library - got an exam lined up for 8 October, so I should train my brain cells as well ;)
In general I feel much more content lately...maybe I am tricking myself, but I doubt it...I just know that it has to do with how I eat and how active I am...and as long as I do well in both I am the typical happy marshmallow :)
Since I am still having my recovery time I am not too busy at the moment, but that doesn't mean I have to be lazy, right?! :)
Yesterday I went for another power walk (as I did the day before) and I can tell how grateful my body is for the fresh air, being active and just enjoying nature...I am such a forest child...I love to hide under trees, breathe in the scent of wet forest soil, touch the leaves as I walk past bushes and feel the soft ground under my feet...I am such a hippie at heart! ;)
I told myself that I am not allowed any workout for September anymore until I am completely flu is gone, no sore throat, no headaches, no fever, no feeling sick, no snot and slime in my entire head, hahaha...I feel healthy again...what a joy that can be!
So yes...bring on (R)Oc(k)tober! It's time to get busy and serious much to do still!
My next run is schedule for October 21st - so I got roughly 3 weeks to get back into shape...not easy, but definitely only challenge: Taking things slowly at the beginning - my boyfriend already warned me, haha...he just knows me too well :)

He'll start with his triathlon training tomorrow, and I'll start with mine...I got a couple new plans ahead, but more later :) So for now my plan is: My 30-day-workout (more details in a bit) which I have to be doing every day for about 20-30 minutes, then I schedule 3 runs a week, a 'shorter' one, starting around 5k and then increasing this one for 10% each week. This run will be run in 'race speed', so my best possible time. Then once a week I will have an interval session, always a must!

That means that I'll work in some suicide drills, normal sprints and not too much of a's really about increasing the speed and the strength connected to that. I am really excited about that even though I absolutely loathe sprints...really...but I keep reminding myself that the human body is naturally made for I am just serving nature, right?! ;)
In the new semester I rearranged my working schedule so that means I don't have to work Sundays anymore, yessir! So my long runs will take place on Sundays...which means: I can sleep in, get a good breakfast, wait a bit and then off I go. That way I've got something to look forward to each week...nothing like a lazy Sunday morning and then continuing with a slow, long run! Mhmm, can't wait!
In addition to that I'll squeeze in another cardio session each week, sometimes swimming, sometimes cycling (e.g. around the lake) and then hopefully dancing again! A friend of mine does hip hop dancing with the university sport department and I know that classes will start again in October...maybe I can get it in my entertaining way to keep fit - I miss dancing, so hopefull that works! Yip, you can see: Loads of activity! :) ~Happy dance~

And I'll try to reduce certain foods...I am sure I am already going on people's nerves with all this, but I can notice how my body loves this change...and I am not letting him down :) My weakness are chipsies (crisps)...these things...ahhhh..I am fine without all sorts of fastfood, even chocolate I learnt to replace with the real dark one (with over 70% of cocoa), but chipsies?! Uh boy, toughie for me! But I must say: I never ate healthier than I do now! Whole grains, veggies, fruits, lots of protein and no bad fats...yessir!
So talking about my workout! We all know Jillian Michaels, do we? The hardcore lady from the States who has been quite big herself at a certain stage, but totally re-shaped and looks fab right now! I am a total YouTube-addict and found out about her 30-day-shred-programme - some people might not find this workout 'enough' or whatever, but I think every person in the world can squeeze in about 20-30 minutes each day to train the body to become stronger, fitter and healthier, right? Trust me, eventually your body will thank you...I don't want to realise with 70 that I should have changed things. "Live life that you don't have to regret!"
Jillian Michaels - She's in amazing shape!

So how does this work?! The 30 day shred consists out of 3 levels, each level has to be done for 10 days (you are allowed to move on to the next level if you get bored and aren't challenged enough or simply use heavier weights) - The workout is divided into 'beginner level' and 'advanced level' - meaning that you can check how fit you are and feel and adjust your workout to it. 
The trick is to stick to it every day, when you train in some other way you are allowed to skip a day of course, but I did this workout before and noticed the best changes when I stuck to it daily, plus your mindset changes accordingly and you realise your body WANTS to stick to it daily...Level 1 seems extreme at the first glance, but once you reach Day 10 you are glad to continue on a tougher level, Level 2 I hated because you have to work your arms a lot, plus tons of planks and core-exercise (which is SO good and necessary), but I
dislike it anyways, haha ;) And level's a combination of it's lovely! And in 20 minutes I sweat more than I do when I run, it makes you feel alive - so in addition to my running training I'll do this workout - 30 days, and then starting from the beginning, just with heavier weights and hopefully one day: Proper push-ups...not the girly ones O_o (yes, my arms are a joke...!) Bring it on, I am ready!

So for everyone who is interested in these videos here are the links to Jillian Michaels 30-day-shred (Bless free YT-stuff!):

1) Level 1

2) Level 2

3) Level 3

Get it started! Trust me, it's very addictive :) You won't regret will feel a change already after a couple of days!

So tomorrow it'll all start over! Getting some good sleep, breakfast, doing the workout, going to uni getting my stuff done, studying, going for my first run in 3 weeks (oh boy!) and then meeting with my ESN-people tomorrow night...starting the October with a bang. If I am able to get up early I might even do my run in the morning...the air is so fantastic lately, it would be a waste...unfortunately it gets dark too quickly these days and that means running late won't happen in the forests...and I hate running on streets, blah! ;)

Fortunately the weather is getting 'worse' - worse meaning 'Good for running' - it's not hot anymore, it's cloudy often, it rains every now and then...I adore this weather for running :) Mhmmm! So bring on the autumn-fun...I'll also invest into my first running watch...haha, I feel like such a sporty nerd, I suck when it comes to technology, but my Mr. A has this Nike's sport band and it gives me just what I need for a workout: Distance, heart rate, speed etc. and not all these little knick-knacks I wouldn't understand anyway - and leave me alone with all the GPS stuff-new-and-modern-technology...really...I don't get lost anyways: I just explore :D Waiting for my salary has never been so irritating...then I have to get my proper gait analysis and my new shoes :) I never thought that I could get excited about buying sports old trainers would be SO proud, hahaha :)                    As some of you might already know: I am quite mental at times...and at the beginning of the year when the running business took over I said to myself "This year I'll run my first half marathon"...yes, good, you need goals...but I didn't know back then that 21k are quite a tough in my lazy state throughout the year I just said "Nah, I just do it next year"...haha, oh boy did I know my stubornness!
2 days ago I read this amazing blog of a Dutch girl who started running and did TWO (!) marathons in her first running year, one of them in the seriously?! And she managed it! This is mental and so my competitive mind can't just turn around and walk back from that...I abused the internet and found a half-marathon on my birthday this year (December 9th) - it's called "Siebengebirgshalbmarathon" which is in the mountains about 3 hours South of where I live right is described as one of the most beautiful half-marathons in Germany (scenic-wise) and I already know it's mainly forest trails, yay, yay, yay! So I thought: "Why not give yourself a lovely birthday present?" - What could be better than setting a goal, working for it and achieving it on your birthday?! And one day I can tell my kiddos "You know, when mommy turned 27 she aced this half-marathon in the mountains!" - I want to be a good role-model, and even if you guys might think this is a crazy thought to have it motivates me unbelievably much :) And since I like to share good stuff I immediately thought of my better half and asked Mr. A. if he would like to join...I knew already that I've got the best boyfriend in the world...but his excitement (I hope it wasn't faked, haha) was amazing! He loves the mountains and went snowboarding before and he seems really thrilled to be doing it together.
He is way faster than I am and already did a half-marathon before, but he wants to 'do it together' - I am not so sure I would want him to 'wait up for me', this is something amazing to experience...I told him he should run in his race speed, even if it means he'll arrive an hour earlier at the finish line...but I guess he's at least as stubborn sometimes ;) 
As soon as I get my salary I'll book it for us! And then...less than 10 weeks to train...oh shit, what did I get myself into?! Hahaha ;) We'll book a hotel for the night from Saturday to Sunday and drive to 'Bad Honnef' (the town) beforehand to explore a bit. Just another couple-getaway for the weekend...we're so used to it by now :) The run is at 9am in the morning and UNFORTUNATELY there is a chance that it might get cancelled due to snow (yes, it snows in the mountains, haha) - but hopefully would suck if you have trained real hard just to find out that it won't take place.
More info about that soon! It's time for me to get out and about...this sun is calling my name! I belong out there...mhmmm :) You all must have a lovely Sunday - tomorrow a new week and a new month there a better way to get motivated?!
My running shoes are eagerly waiting, my yoga mat sits in the shelf anticipatingly smiling at me and my weights get excited about me touching them again, haha ;) 
By the way: I love this sign! Especially for someone who is in a long distance relationship it is even more hilarious! People who are in a same situation can relate, hahaha, totally made me laugh out loud! Okidoki - off I go! Stay tuned and keep moving, your Janners!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Stay strong under the pressures of this world.

Hello world out there!

Yes, yes, yes - I's been such a long time since my last post, but I was just superbusy...and I must admit: Also quite lazy when it came to the writing part...but that's really it - when it comes to the running I've been busier than I've ever been in my life - and I am quite proud of what I have achieved up until this point. Though I must admit: I could do much better...but I'd rather say this than say "I wish I had tried in the first place" - I did try, and I succeeded, just not as well as I thought I could - but I know that there's potential!

Since I started my first run at the end of April this year I have done another 4 runs and the next one is lined up for next month as well. So far I've done one each month - just as I planned in April, except for September. I planned to do one at the end, but I fell sick 1.5 weeks ago when I was with my boyfriend and now I am still recovering...and as we all know: No sports when you're sick :( 

It bugs me to no end, but the only time I did workout when I was sick, my heart muscle inflammed and due to that it reached a size that my cardiologist didn't like at since then I am very particularly careful when it comes to that. So I'll give myself some time off this week, but will mentally prepare for a couple good workouts! I've been eating amazingly well in the past months and already feel a change, energy-wise, body-wise and just overall :)

My plan for next year is to take part in my first duathlon! No worries, my half-marathon plans are still in the making, but I haven't pushed myself far enough, yet. I'd like to get to a good 10k-time, which means being able to make it in about 50 minutes, maybe even down to 45 IF possible (phew, toughie here!) and then I'll sign up for the half-marathon. I got the idea for a duathlon when I went to see my boyfriend's roommate Miss H. compete in the London Triathlon this year.

Hell yeah, what an event! So inspiring, so motivating...the unbelievable performances of all the athletes! Nothing better for a sports-hungry heart. But I absolutely loathe swimming, don't get me wrong, it's fantastic cardio, I actually DO it, but I hate being underwater...I hate diving...and I am terrified of drowning...really...a lot has to happen before I volunteer to train for that :( I know, blimey!
But I love cycling and badabing: Duathlon! Turns out that London also offers the biggest duathlon in the world, in one of my favourite places in London: Richmond Park! So I've got a goal, I've got a plan and I've got a body to get in shape as well :) 

I might do the "Challenge Duathlon" which means 10k running, 20k cycling and another 5k running...or the "Classic Duathlon", which means 10k running, 40k cycling and then 5k running...they both seem great, but I have to work on my cycling...I just want to work towards another goal, constantly challenge myself...I owe this to myself, to my body. Being healthy and fit is the one goal I have to stick to every day to achieve it - I even started to irritate my boyfriend ;)
But figures he will participate in next year's London Triathlon (again! He already took part in 2010 :) - Olympic distance!
So very proud of him, yipieh! This means that we can both encourage and motivate each other to be active, healthy and turn into strong beings, who love to feel the high of a good workout! 

I am struggling a lot with being sensible and not being too tempted to train just because my body screams at me to do so...honestly...who would have thought?! My body keeps telling me these days "You are fat, you are lazy, get your ass up, get going, MOVE, DO things, be active" - I've been good to my body lately...lots of workouts, lots of running, but when you fall sick, there's nothing you can do!
I'll catch up on my past runs in the next posts because now I've got the time and then I'll update you on everything else as soon as I can train properly again.

The runs I took part in this year were:

1) Campuslauf in Dortmund (5k) in May
2) University Run in Bochum (5,5k) in June
3) British 10k in London (10k) in July
4) Women's Run in Cologne (8k) in August

So as you can see: It's not just about running, but also combining it with my passion to travel...I love to explore different trails in different cities, it keeps the running exciting and interesting.
Yes, as of now: Life is amazing! Life is rewarding! But you have to add your part - living each moment with all you've got :)
I know this post didn't include too many interesting and exciting things - but this blog keeps me motivated and it's nice to share little achievements with the world out there to help you understand that it doesn't take much to change... - Yes, people do say "The first step is the hardest" - it's such a cliché, but it's true - once you've got yourself into a new habit, learnt a new routine...and your body and mind recognise at the same time that there is a change happening inside and outside of you, you will start sticking to it.
A dedication you will always end up in a Win:Win situation with...! You owe this to yourself, and to your body...I have started to make this change and feel more alive and better than ever - I am nowhere near where I want to be, but I am definitely a huge leap closer than I was at the beginning of the year :) Good night to you all,
your Janners X X X

Saturday 12 May 2012

Someone who is busier than you is running right now.

Late at night again...but it just will always stay my most productive time of the brain turns on when the sun sets :)

Today was a nice day...and I am not looking forward to a long working-weekend...I've got to work Saturday and Sunday and yeah, not much of a weekend left. My only 'Off-time' is my dad's and his girlfriend's birthday party tomorrow night. I am excited for that because I can see my brothers again *yipieh* For all of you who don't know that yet: I've got three brothers and I love them dearly - we are all roughly 2 years apart with me being the 2nd oldest - and my brothers are the best blessings my parents could have given me! 
My brothers also workout quite a lot! My oldest brother ran 100km in total just in the month of April
My youngest brother is the fitness-boy, he loves to
workout at gym - muscles of steel...but yeah, that's how you get the ladies, right?! ;) And my younger brother does a little bit of everything, workouts, inline-skating etc. - it's in the family :) My dad played handball his whole life and my mom trained our first dog, even all the way up to the German I better get my bum up and do something to use these good genes ;)
I was really irritated yesterday! I planned to go for my run yesterday evening, but in Germany the weather was just plain annoying. It looked as if this enormous thunderstorm was about to start. Since I've been in one recently while jogging I didn't want to experience that again (pretty scary!) - so instead I just said I'd wait until the thunderstorm is over -I hate finding excuses and the weather should never be one of them, but in case of thunderstorms I got a bit more careful. So yes...I waited...and waited...and waited....but NOTHING happened. I heard thunder, I saw lightning and the sky was black...but the rain never instead I waited and hoped it would pass. After having been patient for roughly 1 hour I decided to skip my jog and instead do a home-workout.
This picture was my motivation...these flippin' gorgeous! This is what a woman should look like...not skinny, not fat - but toned and fit...HEALTHY! So instead I worked tons of lunges, side planks, planks, sit-ups, push-ups (women!), crunches and all sorts of workouts to train my bum, calves, thighs and back (especially lower back). It wasn't as rewarding as my run - because I was still frustrated about the weather during my workout - but once I was sweaty and pink in my face I knew it was at least as necessary :) 

So today I was really superstoked that EVENTUALLY it had rained during the night...I knew today I'd run no matter what! And I did - it was still raining, but I just didn't care :) At least there weren't any signs for a thunderstorm.
Today's run was fantastic! I didn't check for how long I ran, but it must have been roughly about 8-9k. I ran for 55 minutes (without stopping, HA!) And the run was just SO beautiful! I don't like running the same path too many times, so instead I just chose to run 'as I felt'.
This got me to some really nice corners! I didn't want to run next to roads or where I'd see lots of people, so I just went on some forest trails (SO good!) and through meadows, next to little streams and...oh boy...I saw the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen in this town, it even brought happy tears to my eyes. It was so rewarding! The run was pretty mean at times because I happened to choose one with lots of hills in between - but then again this is what makes it interesting to me. Uphill, downhill and lots of little challenges along the way to keep me and my body busy. Half-way through the run I got SO tired and my right knee was acting up a bit, but I just didn't want to stop...I felt like I was on instead I just slowed down a bit and concentrated on my core and controlling how I balanced my body weight on my knees...I focussed on my leg muscles, especially on my thigh muscles and it worked wonders, it was fantastic! Within a couple minutes my knee-pain went away and running was enjoyable again. Pain! Ha, take that! I can deal even with you :)

I know I must be careful though and I shouldn't push it too much - but I just knew that my knee is just not used to this and I should learn to run correctly.
I was sweating like a pig, but it was worth it. The air was perfect! Fresh, right after/during the rain and so clean :) I ran with dandlelions, and all sorts of flowers next to me, I jumped over little snails and rainworms that crawled along the way...over branches and was lovely! Almost like a little trail-run :) I paid attention to some other paths along the way so I'll be able to vary the next one a bit. I will remember this path because I barely saw any people along the way...I love to run like that - all alone with my thoughts and ideas. It's just my feet on the path, my thoughts floating freely, nature around me and this
wonderful feeling of contentment...when I run I know everything will be alright, when I run I am balanced within, when I run I find myself in ways I didn't find before. I can't believe I am saying all this, but I think I have honestly found a new passion. It's still tough at times...but I know that the day will come when even these little problems will be gone :) 
So yes, tomorrow I'll be able to rest *yay* and then I'll run again on Sunday. My plan is to run every second day...a rest day in between (or a light workout/yoga session) and increasing my k's each week...I shouldn't overdo it I know, but I'll be careful. Though I must admit...I'll push myself as long as I can :)

In 11 days I've got my next run lined up. The Dortmund university run (5k) - I'd love to do this one in under 30 minutes...I saw the run online and it seems to be pretty flat, so it might be possible. My first run was 00:32:02 and it was very hilly...maybe I can save a couple minutes because of that. I'd love to try this out! My uni run in June will be tougher though, I heard that the last big part is pretty much just uphill (especially the last bit, ugh!) but that doesn't mean I can't tackle it...I just shouldn't expect myself to beat my hopefully new best time. If I can run under 30 minutes in 11 days in a flat area, I might not be able to beat that in a superhilly area. So if I can only get under 30 minutes on June 6 I'm more than pleased with that result :)
During tonight's run I also sprinted a bit in between, not as much as the other day because I had to be a bit more careful due to my knee whining ;) but the last 200m I just raced home...haha, it was awesome! The adrenaline in my body fueled me so much that I just jumped up the stairs afterwards...crazy person, I know.
I also had some really good meals today, which I enjoyed a lot! My breakfast consisted out of 2 scrambled eggs, 1 pear, 1 sliced kiwi, a handful of nuts (not roasted, not salted) and a couple baby carrots - it was so delicious and fueling. 
I had orange juice with half part water and the juice of a lemon with it, best combo ever! 
And then I had potatoes with chicken fillet, I fried this with a bit of olive oil, garlic, onions and fresh was really yummy :)
I am also trying to drink at least between 2-3 litres of water a day, sometimes it works, sometimes not...but in all cases I am getting at least 2l. Soon I'll also add green tea to my drinking habit again, I found this awesome online shop where they offer a lot of fair trade products and I found a great green tea as well. Will order it soon! I also found (finally!) Tahini - the one extra ingredient for a successful hummus. Yipieh! I'll make my very own hummus sometime within the next weeks and this was missing :) Can't wait to try it out!
So yes...looks like I am getting more and more into this new-found habit. I do have a choice, yes, but I am feeling really good with this :) I am not even planning to drink too much tomorrow night, I'd rather enjoy some good food and dance the night away. So tomorrow might be my 'cheat-night' - my dad and his girlfriend are sucker's for good food ;) Which doesn't necessary mean it's healthy, but I'll see what I can choose from.
So yes, that's it for today really! I am going to read a bit in bed and then finally get some sleep so I can be fit for work tomorrow.
Today I went grocery shopping as well (best workout: Bring only 2 bags with you and then CARRY everything workout for your shoulders and me!) And so my fridge is filled with good stuff (shrimp, lean meat, peppers, asparagus), I also bought bananas, kiwis, more pears and lemons, whole grain bread, aubergine, potatoes and tomatoes...and yes...a tiny bar of chocolate as well, I admit it :) But only for the little treats in between ;) I just can't help it...chocolate and I...we are know...married :D
So yip - time to hit the pillows! May you all have a lovely, fun-filled weekend...and to the ones that have to work as well: Keep your head up! We'll make it through and once we get our paycheck we'll see why we did that ;)

Good night everyone,

your Janners!

Thursday 10 May 2012

I may not be there, yet - but I am closer than yesterday!

Today has been an odd day...I am not my usual 100% and oh's this type of day on which I would just like to lie in my bed (preferably under my blanket), read a good book and eat tons of chocolate, cookies, know...the random 'feel-good'-food we all know...or as I always say 'mood-food'.
But oh well...instead I actually just THOUGHT about it and haven't gotten weak - I must say: It's also good that I didn't buy any goodies this week (it does indeed help a lot to go grocery shopping without being hungry). 

I made myself a delicious meal with green asparagus, garlic, mushrooms, fish and seasoned it with lemon juice and black pepper, and as dessert I had a lovely strawberry-kiwi-pear-salad. So in this regard I didn't get weak - I am still craving chocolate, but instead I'll have a nice hot chocolate before I go to bed later. It's a 'slight treat', but not nearly as bad as chocolate.

Writing tonight will do me good, I guess because it clears my head and gives me the chance to reflect a bit - I love writing, another aspect of my life that gives me pleasure. Travelling, writing, enjoying life to the fullest...
So yes, today is my 'rest'-day - no runs, no workouts, no yoga. I had classes, my office hours for the internship, met up with two good friends for coffee and then had to run a couple errands. My best friend's wedding is this month and I have to prepare her hen do - and there's still plenty to do - so instead of going for a run, I ran around town to get all my things together ;) Does this count as well?! At least it's still better than sitting on my lazy bum :)
I ran yesterday...and yesterday was great! I enjoyed this run so much - I only ran a quick one (took me about 20-25 minutes or so), but it was wonderful. I felt so much better than all the runs feet were light, I felt as if my body was in a good posture (do you know what I mean?! haha) and I just felt as if I could have run the whole day. Instead I just thought "Why not run in intervalls?" - and I did, which means I ran a couple 'quickies' - meaning that I ran at my normal pace and then sped up as fast as I could for roughly 100m and then slowed down again - this was really nice because it made me feel invincible...even if it was only for about 25 minutes ;)

Today when I got back home from the city I saw two guys running (from outside the train) and I just thought "Mhmm, I sort of envy them now" :) And this thought astonished me...since when do I envy people that are out there jogging?! That was a new one - I could have run today, but I am taking my rest days serious - I don't trust me knee completely, yet, so I shouldn't overdo it.
I played volleyball for about 11 years and this has partly influenced my right knee, I am trying to train my leg muscles, especially the thighs as much as possible because it'll take additional pressure on the knee away. But that also means I don't want to risk a knee injury with overdoing it - I am still enjoying running, and I want to keep it that way.
But I still enjoyed the idea of longingly watching these guys...thinking it could be me! ;)

That's why I am looking forward to tomorrow's run. I've got to work again tomorrow, but I'll go for a lovely jog in the evening. My body has started to crave these runs - I am like a dog who gets excited when you wiggle with the leash because it knows that it's time to go for a walk...I just need to see my running shoes or one of my running magazines and I am stoked to take one foot out of the door. This used to be a problem for me, but not anymore...I'm quite motivated and have a good attitude towards this all - I am determined, and determination needs a goal - these things go hand in hand, but once they are there, there's no stopping you. I've been running since January this year, but have only gotten more serious about it since the end of March...a long way to go...but I know I'll get there :)

 On Monday I was very happy because I was able to book three of my planned runs (May, June, August are checked! In Dortmund, Bochum and Cologne)! This is SO really made my day on booked for the next months are:

[ 1) April 29th - Bochum Läuft Run (5k) in Bochum - Status: DONE :) ]

2) May 23rd - Dortmund University run (5k) in Dortmund, Status: BOOKED

3) June 6th - My university run (5k) in Bochum, Status: BOOKED

[4) July 8th - The British 10k (10k, who would have thought!?) in London]

5) August 11th - Women's Run (8k) in Cologne
Status: BOOKED

6) September15th - The Every Step Counts Run (10k) in Richmond

7) October 28th - Run To The Beat (21k) in London - Replacement will be added soon!

8) November - Still looking for one in Germany at that time - Suggestions more than   welcome!

9) December 1st- Santa Run (dressed up as Santa, yeah, 6k) in London 

The only thing that made me really angry/sad/frustrated was that my planned half-marathon for October was already booked out :( The only way getting a place is through a charity...but I am not sure, if I would want this for the first run...I don't want all these people's eyes on me during the run...or the pressure of collecting money for a might sound egoistic and selfish, but I am running for the run - because it's my personal goal...and just because I didn't get a spot in the half- marathon is no reason to automatically fake an interest in a charity, if you know what I mean. If I do a run for a charity I want to spend enough time with looking into all the details to make sure I know what I do.
I love the idea of connecting runs with charities and I know I'll do this soon enough, but for now this is just my personal struggle and I have to take this obstacle without anything else to think of - 21k alone scare me enough already. Does this make any sense to you?! :) I hope so. Anyway...and the British 10k is also booked out, except for the Golden Entry - my boyfriend and I'll see if we can get a placement with the Golden Entry still (rather today or tomorrow) - this run would be my first 10k and would mean a lot to me, so I hope it works.

I HAVE to run a half-marathon this year...seriously...this is my ONE HUGE achievement for this boyfriend and I have been looking up a couple different half-marathons and we'll make it would have just been nice to take part in a big one like the 'Run to the Beat'.

It's a scary thing...I mean right now the longest I ran were maybe about 8 or 9k in previous runs...but this is going to be different - it's a challenge and it's not an easy one. 
My ultimate goal is to become a trail runner...also being able to run a proper marathon...then maybe even running an ultra-marathon...taking part in obstacle races...all these wonderful events where your only tool is your own reminds me a lot of the philosophy of martial find back to the center of yourself, reaching your limits and going beyond them and being in total control of your body. All these people who have achieved this...they all started with a single push-up, a slow jog around the block, a couple sit-ups until it felt as if their abs were tearing apart...but all these people pushed through, kept going...and got to where they are today. I can do this, if they did!
So yes...for now I'll stick to my 'couple k's' and hope that eventually the miles automatically add up.

On Monday instead of my yoga-session I did a proper workout - full body! I am pushing myself into the push-ups arms and my chest muscles are so weak...I am still on the 'womens' push-ups', just because my arms are too weak still, but I am getting there - side planks and normal planks are also on my daily list...oh boy these little flippin' exercises...but nothing feels better than having sore muscles and knowing exactly why you've got them...such a bittersweet feeling! Pain and reward in one :) 

Yeah, that's it for now...I just had my hot chocolate and feel a bit more balanced right now...I'll read a cheesy book in bed now and then it's only about 4.5 hours until I have to get up for much for enough sleep :( It's SUCH a bad habit...but I'll have a quick nap after work just has to do...if I could ever invent something I'd love to invent 48-hour days...or 'A bonus 12-hours', so you could push a button somewhere and you'd magically have 12 additional more hours to your life...wouldn't that be awesome?!
With this silly, but beautiful wish I'll wish you guys a good night now...may your dreams be filled with goodness that you may awake with a smile on your lips tomorrow morning!

your Janners

Sunday 6 May 2012

Runs end. Running doesn’t.

Hello you beautiful people out there :)

Mhmm, what a good weekend this one was! Time for runs, time for sleep, lots of quality skype time with my drop-dead gorgeous boyfriend, good food, family time! Life is delicious today :D

I am quite pleased with my slow, but steady progress. On Friday I ran 7k even though I was really in absolute NO mood to run (in German we have the term 'Innerer Schweinehund' which means 'one's weaker self' or literally 'the inner swinedog', haha) So I overcame that beast and went for one anyway - it was awesome!

I just thought I'd do a little 'jog around the block', but instead I decided to run a different path, without really having an idea where I'd end up (yes, believe it or not, but even after having lived 6 years in that town I don't know all corners), and I ended up doing a pretty awesome run - as I said: 7k - and it was more up- and downhill than I initially planned, forest-trails included. I even ran through the dark forest, maybe not that rational, but this additional thrill made me more focussed and eager to do this. I am becoming addicted to hills now...I love how much my body struggles, how my legs tighten and I just know that I have to own that hill - my boyfriend's terrific roommate keeps repeating the mantra "I eat hills for breakfast" and I totally love it by now :) So I am sometimes eating them for breakfast, sometimes for lunch, but mostly for dinner...and guess what?! They contain absolutely no calories...awesome! :D

And once I was home I was quite pleased how quickly a 'Not-in-this-mood'-mind turned into a 'Bring-it-on'-mind :) I am on a good track, I guess. So yeah...I was also quite sore from Thursdays bum, my thighs, my abs...daaaamn...I met up with a really good friend on Friday night and we laughed way more than my poor abs could take, I kindly asked him to make me stop laughing, but oh boy...didn't work ;) Sometimes it's good to be reminded that deep down there you've got some abs...they are just covered, me, one day I'll see them! BOOM! :D

So yip, on Saturday I was legs, my abs, my bum...waaaah...whenever I sat down I must haved looked like an old lady...sloooowly, ever so sloooowly, hahaha - it didn't help much that I had to work the whole of Saturday. When I got back home I napped and watched a movie, after having had a lovely dinner. Lately I turn into a 'tv-cook' at any given chance - I get my ingredients out, turn up the music and then stand in my little kitchen-experimenting with what I've got, only rules: It must taste well, it must look good and it has to be healthy (e.g. lots of proteins, vitamins and fibre) - I am getting there ;)

Apart from that I didn't do much on Saturday, except taking some additional magnesium as well as devouring ginger (anti-inflammatory compounds and volatile oils help reducing the soreness) - I love my ginger, I am an addict! I must sheepishly add that I had lots of sushi with it *hihi* Yes, sorry...sushi is amazing! And trust me - as long as you pay attention to lots of raw fish like salmon it's not that bad...the only 'baddy' here is the white rice, but oh well...there could be worse than that.
I could have eaten a pizza...but interestingly I must mention: The more attention you pay to your food, your exercise etc. the less you want that food. I had 2 pieces of chocolate today ( would laugh, if you knew that there used to be times when I ate a WHOLE bar of chocolate within minutes...) but instead I just took 2 pieces, enjoyed them and left it at that. Maybe not such an extreme achievement, but I was surprised nontheless :)

So yes...that's a start. Today I took the train to my home town and visited my mom and my dad and his girlfriend - it was a lovely afternoon with quality-family-time and I really needed that - don't get to see enough of them. 
Once I got home to my brothers (where I am staying) I went for a nice, relaxed 5k-jog - nothing too extreme, but very rewarding.
It rained the whole day, but fortunately no thunderstorm (not running in a thunderstorm again, scary stuff, haha) - so I put on my running gear and took off, my favourite music in my ears and a happy attitude (wow...when did THAT happen?!) I even smiled throughout the run...seriously...people might get creeped out ;) 
I love the rain splashing in my face, washing away the sweat and cooling you down - I ran by the river, through the countryside and some fields that farmers prepared for harvest later this was wonderful!  The air was fresh and clean, the rain so gentle and the temperature was just right, not too cold, but not too warm to make it humid outside. I love these kind of runs. I am a bit worried about my runs in summer when it's above 20 degrees...might make it hard for me *uargh*

And once I got home I made myself some delicious food - a lovely salad with whole-grain pasta, eggs, radish, rocket salad, almonds, balsamico and olive oil and fish - SO good! And I am still full, although it's been 2 hours ago :) A glass of apple juice mixed halfway with water and the juice of one lemon and you're good to go - no chance for colds this spring!

Here are some of my food experiments in the past:  

1) Ciabatta bread with avocado, kiwis and black pepper - yes you may laugh, it sounds disgusting...but this combination is terrific! Good fats, lots of vitamin C and we all know that black pepper is a goody ;) I added the bananas for a little dessert :) Good one! Easy and filling :) 

2) Boiled potatoes (with skin of course, best nutrition is in the skin, don't peel it because you'll lose the best part of it!) Chicken breast with spring onions, onions, lemon juice, garlic and courgette - delicious! Really enjoyed this one - you may add some salt to the potatoes when boiling, especially after a workout it gives you some lost minerals back.
 3) Tonight's salad, as I already described! Whole-grain pasta, eggs, radish, rocket salad, almonds, balsamico and olive oil and fish - I am quite pleased that half of it is still left, so I can have it again *yipieh* :) Good lunch-option for tomorrow!

4) Glass noodles, broccoli, shrimp, pickled corn, garlic, onions, fish, lemon juice and lemon grass - This was absolutely fantastic! Will do this again sometime soon, mhmmm!

5) Lovely salad with kiwi and strawberries...and as all my salads: Sprinkled with lemon juice! Om nom nom :)

6) Broccoli and brown rice with 2 nice pieces of wild salmon *mhmm* I can't remember exactly how I prepared the rice and broccoli, I am sure I added lots of garlic and onions as well (like I always do, I LOVE garlic!)

7) Shrimps, rocket salad, courgette and lots of other goodies - this one has been a while ago so I can't remember much of it, but yeah, I guess you've got the pics to check it out yourself ;)
So as you can see: Lots of yummi-ness, vitamin-ness and healthy-ness :) Maybe it inspired you to cook some good stuff as well!
So tomorrow I'll have a break again... although I might do another yoga-session - as much as strength and stamina are important to me, but you shouldn't neglect your flexibility... it's so useful, plus you just feel better within as well. On You Tube you can find a lot of useful videos - some gurus and some kind people put their stuff online and explain step by step what to do. Of course it doesn't replace a proper yoga- class and it's not the same feeling - but it's for free and it's a start.

My first yoga-class I did back in the States, in the community centre in Redlands and I loved it. The best part: One guy was so relaxed he even farted. Yeah, you can laugh ;) But honestly...THAT's how relieving it was, haha. You can relax, strengthen your muscles as well (depending on the kind of yoga you're doing) and you can stretch...streeeetch, mhmm, stretching is awesome, I love it! I never understand how people don't warm up and stretch a bit before they work out, as well as stretching after a workout, it's so important...but it's also AMAZING...your muscles go like "Uhhhh yeaaaah, that's gooood" ;) Love it! - So yeah - I would love to be able to wrap my entire hands around my feet, lean over with stretched legs and kiss the floor...these kind of things...a long way to go, but I just know how good it is for your body.

As I read in a nice article today "Yoga is the quieting of your mind" - and everybody who knows me, knows that my mind is a complete chaos. I would say I  have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder...yeah, I get freaked out when things are not exactly in its order, even to an amount that I can't start any other project until I sorted out that 'mess' etc.) and I once explained my boyfriend that it's just the balance to my inner chaos. A control freak from the outside, but a chaotic lunatic on the inside...happens to the best of us ;) So yes, listening to meditation music, finding my inner self and quieting all these billions and billions of thoughts give me so much pleasure. It's wonderful!

 That's my plan for tomorrow evening then :) I've got classes and my internship office hours and then I should get some studying done - I feel much more focussed lately. Doing sports gives me this balance I need. As my boyfriend said the other day "You seem much more relaxed and happier" - yip, it does feel like it :) I've got a long way to go...but as the saying goes "Every journey starts with a single step" - and I did this one...and now I'm doing baby steps to prepare myself for the big leaps!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend as well - I am not sure who is following this blog (if any at all), but it's accessible to people all over the world. So in that case there must be a diversity of things, different time zones, different climates and weather conditions, different backgrounds and cultures...but we all have this one thing in common: We all have only one body to take care of, one spirit to guide us and one enemy to challenge (our own self!) - so it feels good that we are all connected in this kind of way - if you're working towards a better health right now, just be aware that you are not alone with this - it's inspiring to know that we all have the same potential to achieve something once we set our mind to it - so go and grab that opportunity! We all live in the now :)
With that I'll finish today's post and hope you will all have a fabulous start into the next week! Sending you some calm and balanced thoughts,

your Janners!